Thursday 3 October 2013

Findings From literature Reviews so far.

I have now made notes on the points in each literature review that I have studied that have come up in more than one review. As I feel this is a solid basis of approaches to teaching dance to two to five year olds as being firm approaches and good approaches as they have been backed up in various literatures I have read. Lists of these are below;
·Encourage health benefits and also social benefits.
·Encourage children to think for themselves, set them challenges so they feel they are developing the class and skills themselves.
·Keep the class exciting and varied, imagination, voice tone ect, keep them interested in you and the tasks.
·Everyone moves and develops in different ways remember children work at there own pace.
·Have lessons planned with extra incase children get bored.
·Be flexible and ready to work with the children not against them.
·Work with the parents, they know there children best, they can advise you and also encourage and help there children.
·Be positive! Children learn from the environment negative environment negative development, keep everything positive.
·Distraction, instead of shouting at the children for attention distract them with something else to regain there focus.
From this I intend to look at more pieces of literature to see if these points of advice crop up and if any others are there that I feel will be useful to my inquiry. I also want to cross reference these points with the interviews that I have carried out to see if the people I have interviewed also feel these are good approaches.
My literature reviews are in google docs with the links below.

literature review a

literature review b

literature review c

literature review d

literature review e

1 comment:

  1. I am struggling to use the Google drive on my tablet, to make my documents public, and help would be much appreciated.
